Monday, March 28, 2016

Bridges of Life: what houseplants can do

People put too much stake in the mystery of the green thumb. Let's stop believing it all depends on us, and instead rely on the plant. Plants are artists of circumstance, resourceful and intelligent engineers. They have a great will to live. So, although you shouldn't try to grow a cactus in a closet, nor expect a fern to flourish in front of a hot, south-facing window, many plants will manage just fine with minimal care. Almost any window could host a plant or two. Give your plants a top dressing of soil every spring, water most of them only when the soil surface is dry to the touch, and then just admire them and let them be. The most common mistake in terms of day-to-day care, is actually over-watering. When in doubt wait. And never let a plant sit in a saucer of water; its roots will rot.

Yes, some plants will inevitably die on you. Persevere though, in the investment! Just compost your dead and replace. Try out different varieties as you go, and let the principle of natural selection select the survivors and thrivers over time. Eventually you'll have an indoor garden that works for you. That matches your style of care.

Houseplants can serve as a kind of currency in the gift economy. Grow cuttings and give them to neighbors and friends. Beg others for cuttings of theirs. And when plants are left orphaned when their owners die, adopt them. I myself have several plants that my mother cared for in her day, including a weighty jade, which occupies some of the prime real estate for plants here at Sunnyside. The jade is remarkably beautiful. Noble really. Its life adds so much to the life of the home. It's like a fire of green that keeps us warm and happy all winter. 

I've also named a jasmine vine here at Sunnyside after my goddaughter, because it blooms most radiantly and profusely around the time of year (May) when she was baptized. I love this. I love seeking out and finding ways of connecting my life to the lives of others by means of these verdant and shining bridges of life!


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